Wellness for Adults
High Blood Pressure
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Hypertension (high blood pressure) itself is not a disease. People with hypertension often show no symptoms. But blood pressure is the most important determinant of life expectancy. Hypertension can lead to heart failure, heart attack, kidney failure, a stroke. High blood pressure can lead to other serious conditions, such as blindness. Without proper treatment, the consequences of unbalanced blood pressure can be fatal.
How high is high blood pressure
A consistent blood pressure reading of 140/90 mm Hg or higher is high blood pressure. That is – Hypertension. Systolic pressure is the force of blood in the arteries as your heart beats. See the top number in a blood pressure reading. High blood pressure is 140 and higher for systolic pressure. Diastolic pressure does not need to be high for you to have high blood pressure. When that happens, the patient has Isolated Systolic Hypertension (ISH). Treatment for ISH consists of lifestyle changes and/or medications.
Western Medicine Points of View
Western treatment options for ISH are the same as for other types of high blood pressure. Both apply where both systolic and diastolic pressures are high. The key for any high blood pressure treatment is to bring the condition under proper control. Hypertension often requires lifelong medication even during a prolonged programme of Chinese medicine. if you wish to stop or reduce your Western medication you must first consult your GP or consultant
TCM Points of View
Treat the root causes of high blood pressure, not the symptoms. Hypertension develops from a disrupted cardiovascular system complicated by an inability to control emotions. Such disruption tends to come from the digestive system. But first, it takes root in the patient’s lack of control over emotional challenges. It is usual for a person who does not keep to a regular meal time to work and stress too much. We often see high blood pressure arise from a combined weakness of kidney, spleen and liver.
Acupuncture & Moxibustion, and Herbal Medicine: TCM doctors view high blood pressure as a symptom, not an illness. But it is a symptom of what is often a combination of issues. Acupuncture and herbal medicine can treat the imbalances at the root of hypertension.
- Stay away from stresses.
- Practice meditation & yoga
- Balanced diet: especially avoid salty and/or greasy food.
- Getting acupuncture treatments weekly/on a regular basis is also a great way. For prevention, acupuncture treatments are the easiest and simplest form of hypertension treatment. Use it as your basic preventative measure against premature death caused by hypertension. If done regularly, just 30 minutes of acupuncture relaxation can save you years of life.

Acupuncture is uniquely able to speed recovery time after a stroke because acupuncture works on the nerve and energetic pathways of the body. Acupuncture can help wake up muscles after they have been disabled by a stroke. This doesn’t mean rehab isn’t necessary and the road to recovery isn’t difficult, but acupuncture can make a big difference, making that road being a little less bumpy. This is especially true when treatment is started as soon after the stroke as possible.
How does acupuncture aid stroke recovery
The body is covered by acupuncture channels, also called meridians, which mirror major nerve and muscle pathways. If you’ve ever had acupuncture before, you might have felt a “Qi sensation,” a zing along the channel’s pathway. Researchers believe acupuncture works on the nervous system by exciting nerve pathways and releasing neurotransmitters, the chemicals of nerves.
When a stroke disable a part of the brain that controls movement, the nerves fall asleep, so to speak, and the muscle atrophies without their constant signaling. Acupuncture, by virtue of the channels, begins to send signals to wake up those nerves and stimulate the portion of the brain that controls them, the same portion that was disabled by the stroke.
Acupuncture helps speed stroke recovery by making the nerve pathways regenerate quicker by sending strong signals along the pathway. Acupuncture helps circulation of blood, too, bringing healing nutrients, oxygen and fluids to the affected area. Acupuncture also helps to improve energy and mood, which can improve the common depression after a stroke.