Wellness for Five Senses
5 Senses (Ear, Nose, Throat, Eye, and Mouth) & TMC
Medical Disclaimer: The information and advice published or made available through this website is NOT intended to replace the services of a physician or a health care professional acting under a physician’s supervision, nor does it constitute a doctor-patient relationship which has been established by an in-person evaluation of a patient.
TCM Otolaryngology treats the following disorders:
Ear Disorders:
- Ear Distention/Blackage/Pain/Discharge(Otitis Media)
- Meniere’s Disease
- Vertigo
- Hearing Loss / Sudden Deafness
- Autophonia (hearing an amplification of one’s own voice)
- Shingles in the ear +/- Facial Paralysis
- Skin conditions on the ear (e.g. Eczema / Boils)
- Tinnitus
Nasal & Sinus Disorders:
- Allergies
- Rhinitis
- Nasal Congestion
- Incessant Nasal Discharge
- Sniffing
- Loss of Smell
- Snoring
Mouth & Throat Disorders:
- Tonsillitis(Sore Throat)
- Diphtheria
- Ulcers / Abscess
- Vocal Cord Injury (e.g. Overuse)
- Sudden Voice Loss / Hoarse Voice
- Difficulty Swallowing
- Vocal Nodules / Polyps
Eye Disorders:
- Blurred Vision
- Floater in Eyes
- Stye
- Glaucoma/Cataracts